The Southern Region in CFA is also referred to as region
7. The website,, will answer some questions and has the local show schedule. By following the links on the show schedule, you will
find some online flyers. The show flyer should contain all the information about the show and who to contact.
The Entry Clerk is the person to contact about entering the show.
shows have multiple options for entering the show, ie. snail mail or online entry. Whichever option you choose,
you must complete the entry form and mail it with a check to the Entry Clerk. It is not required to know or
include the "parents" of the HHP entry. Where it says, Benching Request, write in, "New HHP exhibitor, will need
help." The entry clerk should send you a confirmation.
Make reservations for a motel room or RV park. Be aware of how long it will take you to get to the show,
and note the starting time. Make reservations accordingly.
A cage
and a chair or chairs are provided. The cage for one cat is approximately 2' Deep x 2' Wide x 2' High. This is why you will
want a double cage; it will give you 2 more feet in width (2x4x2). You will need "cage curtains." Basically, you have to cover
the two sides, the back, and the top of the cage. You will also want something for the bottom. For beginners, an inexpensive
single flat sheet can be made to fit the sides, back, and top. Add a matching colored towel for the bottom. If you sew, let
your creativity show. Artistically, you want the cat to look good against the curtains. A cat bed can be purchased from a
pet store, or you can wait and check out the vendors at the show.
The cat should be transported in a hard plastic
or soft-sided carrier. Use a plastic shoe box for a litter pan in the carrier, if there is room. Unless you are traveling
a really long distance, the cat doesn't need food or water in the carrier.
You should also bring: litter pan (for
show cage and motel), litter, bowls for food and water, cat food, bottled water, kleenex, paper towels, "grooming kit" (see
below), people munchies, ice chest for people drinks/snacks, plastic trash sacks (8 gal will take care of almost anything),
cash for food and drink, reading material/cards/puzzle books, and battery-operated fans for you and the cat if it's in summer.
Essentially, your space is the area in front of the cage,
4' wide, and the area under your cage, 4' wide and 2' deep. If you would like an area to eat on, if more than one of
you will be sitting by the cage, or if you just need some sprawl space, also order and pay for a "groom" space. If you
do order a groom space, you will want something to cover it like a tablecloth. The groom area is the same as a cage
space, 2' x 4' x 2', but without the cage.
This will grow as you get
more experienced. Start off with a flea comb (use Extra Fine for a shorthair, Fine for a longhair), cat toenail clippers,
nose hair scissors (human type with rounded ends, but used for trimming), Q-tips, variety of safety pins, small binder clips,
pens, and small cat toys (sparkle or crinkle balls). You will eventually want to carry small bottles of dry bath, hand
sanitizer, disinfectant, anti-static, Febreze, and Ozium or similar odor neutralizer.
Everyone does it differently. It will take some experimentation to find what works best for you and yours. Clip
the nails on all four paws of the cat. You want to use a shampoo for the cat's color. Start with the small
size. It will last a long time. Wet down, shampoo, rinse very very well making sure to remove all soap (no bubbles).
Use towel(s) to soak up excess water. All cats need some help with the "drying" phase, they can chill easily.
The cat can be placed in a carrier and secure a hand dryer on the cat at a safe distance to aid in the drying process.
A longhaired cat will need more attention. You will need to use a hand blow dryer and comb through the hair at
the same time. Use Q-tips to clean out the ears.
At the show, before each ring, be sure
the cat's bottom is clean. Water on a soft tissue or make-up pad can be used for cleaning bottoms and paw pads. Check
eye and nose areas for grit. A kleenex, cotton ball or makeup pad is good for removing eye and nose "crusties".
Run a comb through all the hair on the cat, including the tail. All cats should be "groomed" before you put the
cat in the ring for judging.
Plan to arrive at least one hour before the
judging begins (this information can be found on the show flyer or confirmation). You will have to check in, locate
your cage, and set it up (put up cage curtains, etc). For your first show, I would recommend getting there at the beginning
of check in. Once you're familiar with set-up, you can plan on being there one hour before the show starts. This
allows the cat to relax and you to settle in.
At check in, you will receive a catalog. Do not lose this. Do not
be afraid to say, "I'm new, can you point us toward our cage, please?" Once you've located the cage, set it up for the cat.
Put a litter pan, familiar litter, and a bed or hammock in the cage. Once you have the cat in the cage, offer dry food, water
and/or toy to help settle him/her down.
Take time to browse through the catalog and locate your cat's name
and number in the Household Pet division/class. Each entry will have a number by which it will be identified during
the show. On the back cover of the catalog or seperate sheet you will find the judging schedule. Circle or
highlight the area in each column that says, "HHP." Listen for your cat's number. When you hear, "Household pets
#'s XXX to XXX to Ring 3," groom your cat and proceed to the designated ring and place your cat in the judging cage with
its number on top. Latch the door, then go to the audience area to sit or stand, and watch the cats be judged. When the cat
is supposed to leave the ring, the ring clerk will say, "the cats may go back" or "put the numbered card down". Then
you go and collect your cat and return to your benching cage. You are welcome to take the red and white merit ribbon
that is hanging on your cat's cage. Listen for household pet finals in that ring. Your cat could be called back into
that judge's ring for a final.
In a two-day show, there will be three or four judgings each day. A one day show
will have either 4, 5 or 6 judgings. At a two-day show, on Saturday evening, take the cat and anything you will
need in the motel with you, but leave the cage set up. Make sure you know what time judging will begin on Sunday morning.
Try to arrive about 1/2 hour before judging so the cat can settle into the benching cage. Sunday will be much like Saturday.
Sunday evening, at the end of the posted show hours (on the flyer), you may quietly tear down your cage (leave the cage, but
take all your decorations and personal belongings) and pack your belongings. If the cat has completed his/her judgings,
you may leave the show hall at the posted time (you can actually leave earlier with household pets with the show manager's
If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask other exhibitors, especially other household pet people.
You can also ask people at the check-in table, the announcer, the master clerk; if they don't know the answer, they can point
you toward someone who does.